Typography / Final Compilation & Reflection

25.9.2023 - 25.12.2023 (Week 1 - Week 14)
Gloria Khaw Ping Sim / 0359142 / Bachelor in Design (Honours) in Creative Media
Typography / Taylor's Lakeside University
Final Compilation & Reflection


Task 1 : Exercises

Task 1 : Exercise 1 - Type Expression
25.9.2023 - 3.11.2023 -  (Week 1 - Week 6 )

Fig 1.1. Final Type Expression - JPEG, Week 3 (9/10/2023)

Fig 1.2. Final Type Expression - PDF, Week 3 (9/10/2023)

Fig 1.3. Final animation, Week 3 (9/10/2023)

Task 1 : Exercise 2 - Text Formatting
25.9.2023 - 3.11.2023 -  (Week 1 - Week 6 )

Fonts: ITC New Baskerville Std
    Headings - Bold, Italic
    Body text - Roman 
    Caption    - Italic 

Point Size:
    Headings - 32 pt, 18 pt  
    Body text - 11 pt 
    Caption    - 12 pt 

    Headings - 24 pt
    Body text - 11 pt 
    Caption    - 14 pt 

Paragraph spacing: 11 pt
Average characters per line: 49 characters 
Alignment: Justified with the last line aligned left
Margins (inch): 0.5 top, 1.8 bottom, 0.5 left, 0.5 right
Columns: 4
Gutter: 4.23 mm

Fig 1.4. Final Text formatting - JPEG, Week 6 (30/10/2023)

Fig 1.5. Final Text formatting without grids - PDF, Week 6 (30/10/2023)

Fig 1.6. Final Text formatting with grids - PDF, Week 6 (30/10/2023)

Task 2 : Text Formatting and Expression
3.11.2023 - 6.11.2023 (Week 6 - Week 7)

Fig 1.7. Final text formatting and expression without grids - JPEG, Week 7 (6/11/2023)

Fig 1.8. Final text formatting and expression without grids - PDF, Week 7 (6/11/2023)
Fig 1.9. Final Text formatting and expression with grids - JPEG, Week 7 (6/11/2023)

Fig 1.10. Final text formatting and expression with grids - PDF, Week 7 (6/11/2023)

Task 3 : Type Design and Communication
13.11.2023 - 18.12.2023 (Week 8 - Week 13)

Fig 1.11. Screengrab of side bearings, Week 12 (15/12/2023)

Fig 1.12. Final Type construction in Ai, 'hearth' -JPEG, Week 12 (15/12/2023)

Fig 1.13. Final Type construction in Ai, 'hearth' - PDF, Week 12 (15/12/2023)

Fig 1.14. Final poster - JPEG, Week 13 (18/12/2023)

Fig 1.15. Final poster- PDF, Week 13 (18/12/2023)


These 14 weeks has been a ride. I came into this only knowing about typography in video editing. However, I now know that its more than just that. The first few weeks were rough, I did not know what I was doing; but later on I finally got the hang of it. Typography became more fun than it feeling like a burden. 

After I took this module, I find myself looking at logos or text in my daily life and taking note of the kerning, font, etc.

This module was pretty fun but also stressful at the same time. I had a hard time getting used to all the Adobe apps. I am still not used to them, but I definitely have gotten better.
