Digital Photography & Imaging / Final Compilation & Reflection

Gloria Khaw Ping Sim / 0359142
Digital Photography & Imaging / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Final Compilation


Project 1 - Digital Collage

Project 2 - Digital Imaging (Shazam, Double Exposure, Photo Manipulation)

Final Project - Self-Titled

Project 1 : Digital Collage

Fig 1.1 Digital collage

Project 2 : Digital Imaging

Fig 2.1. My reflection

Fig 2.2. Double exposure

Fig 2.3. Photo manipulation

Final Project : Self-Titled

Fig 3.1. Self titled


When I first started this module, I thought that I would not have liked it. Through these 14 weeks, it had slowly become one of my favourites. At the start, Photoshop stressed me out as I did not know the proper shortcuts and did not know what each tool does. However, after doing all the tasks, I am slowly getting better at it.

I find myself actively searching for Photoshop tutorials to do my personal projects. I have been using it to make my friend's birthday invites, posters for events I am a part of, etc.

This module was very fun but also stressful. I have gone through a number of problems while doing my work that I spent... maybe too long trying to figure it out. Not only that, but my laptop borderline cannot handle Adobe apps. 
