Digital Photography & Imaging / Photo Manipulation

Gloria Khaw Ping Sim / 0359142
Digital Photography & Imaging / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Photo Manipulation


Originally, I had planned to combine a paintbrush with a person's hair. However, I could not find any appropriate images to use. So, I decided on something simple, a parakeet and a pear. 

Fig 1.1. First product, Week 10 (28/11/2023)

After creating this, I was really unhappy with how it looked. So, I decided to find a new image to work with and ended up with :

Fig 1.2. Second product, Week 10 (28/11/2023)

After realising it is not turning out the way I wanted it to, I scrapped that whole idea and began brainstorming again. Soon, I landed on a snail and cinnamon rolls.

Fig 2.1. A snail

Fig 2.2. Cinnamon rolls

I chose these subjects purely because I think snails are cute.

Fig 2.3. Process #1, Week 10 (29/11/2023)

First, I masked out one of the rolls and stretched it to fit the snail's shell.
Fig 2.4. Process #3, Week 10 (29/11/2023)

Then I used Colour Match to alter the colouring of the cinnamon roll to fit in the background of the snail.

Fig 2.5 - 2.6. Process #3, Week 10 (29/11/2023)

I then added slight lighting and shadows to match the original shell.

Fig 2.7. Process #4, Week 10 (29/11/2023)

For the reflection, I flipped the cinnamon roll and played around with some settings. I used Colour Match, Wave and Gaussian Blur.

Final Photo Manipulation 

Fig 3.1. Final photo manipulation, Week 10 (29/11/2023)
