Intercultural Design / Proposal & Data Collection

 5/2/2024 - 29/3/2024 / Week 1 - Week 7
Gloria Khaw Ping Sim / 0359142
Intercultural Design / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Proposal and Data Collection


1. Culture of Interest

As our group had opted to go to the Japan trip, our cultural sensitivity topic was limited to only Japan-related culture. The 2 topics we were leaning to were 1. Japan's views on queer people & gender and 2. Amekaji fashion. 

We felt like Amekaji fashion would be easier to collect data on while in Osaka.

2. Proposal Presentation

Fig 1.1. Proposal Presentation, Week 7 (10/3/2024)

We decided to make a zine + stickers and a garment to go along with it. Since our group is split evenly between BDCM students and Fashion students. 

3. Data Collection

During our trip to Osaka, we had stopped by Amerika-Mura to gather some data since its the place that people of this sub culture visits to get most of their garments. Unfortunately, we did not manage to find any Gyarus nor Rockabillys during our stay. :(

Fig 3.1. Amerika-Mura data collection, Week 4 (26/2/2024)

We mostly got shots of the garments for the garment element of our project.

Other than that, one of my groupmates, Qing, managed to interview one of her Instagram mutuals regarding Gyaru culture. The answers can be seen in Fig 1.1. slide 18

We had also done secondary data collection with the Lizzie Bee Gyaru Blog
