Information Design / Final Project : Animated Infographic

28/2/2024 -  / Week 4 - Week
Gloria Khaw Ping Sim / 0359142
Information Design / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Final Project : Animated Infographic

Group 3 - Topic 1 : History of Video Games

1. Overview

<iframe src="" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>
Fig 1.1. Overview Slides

We chose 'History of Video Games' as our topic, but we slimmed it down to History of SEGA.

2. Task Delegations

Our group only consists of 3 people, so we all had to take on multiple roles for this project. As for me, I was in charge of researching (along with everyone else), storyboarding and editing the final product.

3. Progress

The SFXs I chose were mostly from SEGA games. The main background soundtrack is from Sonic The Hedgehog (Star Light Zone). The numbered files are the battle/UI sound effects from Persona 5.

Fig 3.1. Progress #1, Week 7 (19/3/2024)

A picture I took of my 'workspace' while editing the video.

Fig 3.2. Progress #2. Week 7 (19/3/2024)

A screenshot of the layers I was working with. Since everything was done entirely on AE, I had to pre-compose it by the sections of the video.

Fig 3.3. Progress #3, Week 7 (23/3/2024)

After a feedback session, Mr Shamsul had said that the main problem with the video is the speed of the narrating. I had tried stretching the time of the audio on AE itself, but later found out there was no way to change the pitch on it, so it sounded weird. I ended up using Audacity to stretch the audio and turn the pitch higher to make it seem more natural.

4. Finished Product

Fig 4.1. The final animatic, Week 7 (23/3/2024)
