Illustration and Visual Narrative / Task 3 : Digital Triptych

Gloria Khaw Ping Sim / 0359142
Illustration & Visual Narrative / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Digital Triptych - Exploring Scott McCloud's Transitions


Fig 1.1. sketches, Week 11 (7/12/2023)

For this assignment, we were instructed to create transitions of the before and after of our previous task. However, I messed it up and did a legend instead of an urban legend for my previous task. So for this task, I chose the Red Room Curse. I decided make it a moment-to-moment transition. 


Fig 2.1. - 2.2. Progress #1 and #2, Week 11 (7/12/2023)

For the computer screen, I wanted to go with something simple and not too over the top. According to the story, the user browses the internet before the 'Do you like the red room?' window pops up. I wanted to make it show in windows instead of a full screen because it could be hard to tell.

Fig 2.3.- 2.4. Progress #3 and #4, Week 11 (7/12/2023)

In fig 2.3, it felt like the screen was too far away, and I did not know how to incorporate the person at the side; so I scaled the whole thing larger to focus on the screen more.

Fig 2.5.- 2.7. Typeface choices, Week 11 (7/12/2023)

I wanted it to be a pixelated font so it is clear that its on a screen. I later chose the first option (Typeface : 'alarm clock').

Fig 2.8. - 2.9. Progress #5 and #6, Week 11 (7/12/2023)

This was the last panel. I used '-----' to signify the people's names since I did not know how else to show it. I also removed the cursor; it can signify how the user can do nothing about it.

Fig 2.10. Progress #7, Week 11 (7/12/2023)

I also added a blood splatter to show that the user died. Then, I changed the background colour to a dark shade of red :

Fig 2.11. Progress #8, Week 11 (7/12/2023)

Fig 2.12. Progress #9, Week 11 (8/12/2023)

After receiving feedback from Mr Hafiz, I went back to my original plan and added the person. The whole thing looked too empty without it.

Final Submission

Fig 3.1. Set-up panel (split), Week 11 (8/12/2023)
Fig 3.2. Turning point panel (split), Week 11 (8/12/2023)
Fig 3.3. Resolution panel (split), Week 11 (8/12/2023)

Fig 3.4. Final Triptych (joined), Week 11 (8/12/2023)


Unfortunately, the first version I made of this (and of the previous assignment) was incorrect and I had to redo it. I had chosen a legend instead of an urban legend because I did not know the difference. This has taught me to research more of what I am not sure of and ask for feedback from others before it is too late. I have developed a deeper respect for comic artists through this task.
